Binary Trees, Heaps
K08 Δομές Δεδομένων και Τεχνικές Προγραμματισμού
Κώστας Χατζηκοκολάκης
Binary trees
A binary tree (δυαδικό δέντρο) is a set of nodes such that:
- Exactly one node is called the root
- All nodes except the root have exactly one parent
- Each node has at most two children
- and the are ordered: called left and right
Example: a binary tree

Example: a different binary tree

Whether a child is left or right matters.
- path: sequence of nodes traversing from parent to child (or vice-versa)
- length of a path: number of nodes -1 (= number of “moves” it contains)
- siblings: children of the same parent
- descendants: nodes reached by travelling downwards along any path
- ancestors: nodes reached by travelling upwards towards the root
- leaf / external node: a node without children
- internal node: a node with children
- Nodes tree can be arranged in levels / depths:
- The root is at level 0
- Its children are at level 1, their children are at level 2, etc.
- Note: node level = length of the (unique) path from the root to that node
- height of the tree: the largest depth of any node
- subtree rooted at a node: the tree consisting of that node and its descendants
Complete binary trees
A binary tree is called complete (πλήρες) if
- All levels except the last are “full” (have the maximum number of nodes)
- The nodes at the last level fill the level “from left to right”
Example: complete binary tree

Example: not complete binary tree

Example: not complete binary tree

Level order
Ordering the nodes of a tree level-by-level (and left-to-right in each level).

Nodes of a complete binary tree
- How many nodes does a complete binary tree have at each level?
- At most
- $1$ at level $0$.
- $2$ at level $1$.
- $4$ at level $2$.
- …
- $2^k$ at level $k$ .
Properties of binary trees
- The following hold:
- $h + 1 \le n \le 2^{h+1} - 1$
- $1 \le n_E \le 2^h$
- $h \le n_I \le 2^h - 1$
- $\log(n+1) - 1 \le h \le n-1$
- Where
- $n$: number of all nodes
- $n_I$: number of internal nodes
- $n_E$: number of external nodes (leaves)
- $h$: height
Properties of complete binary trees
$h \le \log n$
- Very important property, the tree cannot be too “tall”!
- Why?
- Any level $l < h$ contains exactly $2^l$ nodes
- Level $h$ contains at least one node
- So $1 + 2 + \ldots + 2^{h-1} + 1 = 2^h \le n$
- And take logarithms on both sides
How do we represent a binary tree?

Sequential representation
Store the entries in an array at level order.

- Common for complete trees
- A lot of space is wasted for non-complete trees
- missing nodes will have empty slots in the array
How to find nodes
To Find: |
Use |
Provided |
The left child of $A[i]$ |
$A[2i]$ |
$2i \le n$ |
The right child of $A[i]$ |
$A[2i+1]$ |
$2i + 1 \le n$ |
The parent of $A[i]$ |
$A[i/2]$ |
$i > 1$ |
The root |
$A[1]$ |
$A$ is nonempty |
Whether $A[i]$ is a leaf |
$2i > n$ |
A binary tree is called a heap (σωρός) if
- It is complete, and
- each node is greater or equal than its children
(Sometimes this is called a max-heap, we can similarly define a min-heap)

Heaps and priority queues
- Heaps are a common data structure for implementing Priority Queues
- The following operations are needed
- find max
- insert
- remove max
- create with data
- We need to preserve the heap property in each operation!
Find max
- Trivial, the max is always at the root
- remember: we always preserve the heap property
- Complexity?
Inserting a new element
- The new element can only be inserted at the end
- because a heap must be a complete tree
- Now all nodes except the last satisfy the heap property
- to restore it: apply the
algorithm on the last node
Inserting a new element
- Before
might be larger than its parent
- all other nodes satisfy the heap property
- After
- all nodes satisfy the heap property
- Algorithm
- if
node > parent
- swap them and call
Example insertion
Inserting 15 and running bubble_up
Inserting 12 and running bubble_up
Complexity of insertion
- We travel the tree from the last node to the root
- on each node: 1 step (constant time)
- So we need at most $O(h)$ steps
- $h$ is the height of the tree
- but $h \le \log n$ on a complete tree
- So $O(\log n)$
- the “complete” property is crucial!
Removing the max element
- We want to remove the root
- but the heap must be a complete tree
- So swap the root with the last element
- then remove the last element
- Now all nodes except the root satisfy the heap property
- to restore it: apply the
algorithm on the root
Removing the max element
- Before
might be smaller than any of its children
- all other nodes satisfy the heap property
- After
- all nodes satisfy the heap property
- Algorithm
= the largest child of node
- If
node < max_child
- swap them and call
Example removal
Removing 9 and restoring the heap property
Complexity of removal
- We travel a single path from the root to a leaf
- So we need at most $O(h)$ steps
- $h$ is the height of the tree
- Again $O(\log n)$
- again, having a complete tree is crucial
Building a heap from initial data
- What if we want to create a heap that contains some initial values?
- we call this operation heapify
- “Naive” implementation:
- Create an empty heap and insert elements one by one
- What is the complexity of this implementation?
- We do $n$ inserts
- Each insert is $O(\log n)$ (because of
- So $O(n\log n)$ total
- Worst-case example?
- sorted elements: each value with have to fully
to the root
Efficient heapify
- Better algorithm:
- Visit all internal nodes in reverse level order
- last internal node: $\frac{n}{2}$ (parent of the last leaf $n$)
- first internal node: 1 (root)
- Call
on each visited node
- Why does this work?
- when we visit
, its subtree is already a heap
- except from
itself (the precondition of bubble_down
- So
restores the heap property in the subtree
- After processing the root, the whole tree is a heap
Heapify example
Visit internal nodes in inverse level order, call bubble_down.
Complexity of heapify
- More careful calculation of the number of steps:
- If
is at level $l$, bubble_down
takes at most $h-l$ steps
- At most $2^{l}$ nodes at this level, so $(h-l) 2^{l}$ steps for level $l$
- For the whole tree: $\sum_{l = 0}^{h-1}(h-l) 2^{l}$
- This can be shown to be less than $2n$ (exercise if you're curious)
- So we get worst-case $O(n)$ complexity
Efficient vs naive heapify
For naive_heapify
we found $O(n\log n)$
- maybe we are also over-approximating?
No: in the worst-case (sorted elements) we really need $n\log n$ steps
- try to compute the exact number of steps
The difference:
is faster closer to the root, but few nodes live there
is faster closer to the leaves, and most nodes live there
Note: in the average-case, the naive version is also $O(n)$
Implementing ADTPriorityQueue
// Ενα PriorityQueue είναι pointer σε αυτό το struct
struct priority_queue {
Vector vector; // Τα δεδομένα, σε Vector για μεταβλητό μέγεθος
CompareFunc compare; // Η διάταξη
DestroyFunc destroy_value; // Συνάρτηση που καταστρέφει ένα στοιχείο
ADTPriorityQueue implementation
// Ενα PriorityQueue είναι pointer σε αυτό το struct
struct priority_queue {
Vector vector; // Τα δεδομένα, σε Vector για μεταβλητό μέγεθος
CompareFunc compare; // Η διάταξη
DestroyFunc destroy_value; // Συνάρτηση που καταστρέφει ένα στοιχείο
ADTPriorityQueue implementation
Finding the max is trivial.
Pointer pqueue_max(PriorityQueue pqueue) {
return node_value(pqueue, 1); // root
ADTPriorityQueue implementation
For pqueue_insert
, the non-trivial part is bubble_up
// Αποκαθιστά την ιδιότητα του σωρού.
// Πριν: όλοι οι κόμβοι ικανοποιούν την ιδιότητα του σωρού, εκτός από
// τον node που μπορεί να είναι _μεγαλύτερος_ από τον πατέρα του.
// Μετά: όλοι οι κόμβοι ικανοποιούν την ιδιότητα του σωρού.
static void bubble_up(PriorityQueue pqueue, int node) {
// Αν φτάσαμε στη ρίζα, σταματάμε
if (node == 1)
int parent = node / 2; // Ο πατέρας του κόμβου. Τα node ids είναι 1-based
// Αν ο πατέρας έχει μικρότερη τιμή από τον κόμβο, swap και συνεχίζουμε αναδρομικά προς τα πάνω
if (pqueue->compare(node_value(pqueue, parent), node_value(pqueue, node)) < 0) {
node_swap(pqueue, parent, node);
bubble_up(pqueue, parent);
ADTPriorityQueue implementation
// Πριν: όλοι οι κόμβοι ικανοποιούν την ιδιότητα του σωρού, εκτός από τον
// node που μπορεί να είναι _μικρότερος_ από κάποιο από τα παιδιά του.
// Μετά: όλοι οι κόμβοι ικανοποιούν την ιδιότητα του σωρού.
static void bubble_down(PriorityQueue pqueue, int node) {
// βρίσκουμε τα παιδιά του κόμβου (αν δεν υπάρχουν σταματάμε)
int left_child = 2 * node;
int right_child = left_child + 1;
int size = pqueue_size(pqueue);
if (left_child > size)
// βρίσκουμε το μέγιστο από τα 2 παιδιά
int max_child = left_child;
if (right_child <= size && pqueue->compare(node_value(pqueue, left_child), node_value(pqueue, right_child)) < 0)
max_child = right_child;
// Αν ο κόμβος είναι μικρότερος από το μέγιστο παιδί, swap και συνεχίζουμε προς τα κάτω
if (pqueue->compare(node_value(pqueue, node), node_value(pqueue, max_child)) < 0) {
node_swap(pqueue, node, max_child);
bubble_down(pqueue, max_child);
Other possible representations
Operation |
Heap |
Sorted List |
Unsorted Vector |
pqueue_create (with data) |
$O(n)$ |
$O(n\log n)$ |
$O(1)$ |
pqueue_remove |
$O(\log n)$ |
$O(1)$ |
$O(n)$ |
pqueue_insert |
$O(\log n)$ |
$O(n)$ |
$O(1)$ |
All of them have some advantage
- Heaps provide a great compromise between insertions and removals
Using ADTPriorityQueue for sorting
T. A. Standish. Data Structures, Algorithms and Software Principles in
C. Chapter 9. Sections 9.1 to 9.6.
R. Sedgewick. Αλγόριθμοι σε C. Κεφ. 5 και 9.
Proofs of given statements can be found in the following book:
- M. T. Goodrich, R. Tamassia and D. Mount. Data Structures and
Algorithms in C++. 2nd edition. John Wiley and Sons, 2011.