Multi-Way Search Trees
K08 Δομές Δεδομένων και Τεχνικές Προγραμματισμού
Κώστας Χατζηκοκολάκης
- We keep the ordering idea of BSTs
- Fast search, by excluding whole subtrees
- And add more than two children for each node
- Gives more flexibility in restructuring the tree
- And news ways to keep it balanced
Multi-way search trees
$d$-node: a node with $d$ children
Each internal $d$-node stores $d-1$ ordered values $k_1 < \ldots < k_{d-1}$
- No duplicate values in the whole tree
All values in a subtree lie in-between the corresponding node values
- For all values $l$ in the $i$-th subtree: $k_{i-1} < l < k_i$
- Convention: $k_0 = -\infty, k_d = +\infty$
$m$-way search tree: all nodes have at most $m$ children
- A BST is a 2-way search tree
Example multi-way search tree

Searching in a multi-way search tree
- Simple adaptation of the algorithm for BSTs
- Start from the root, traverse towards the leaves
- In each node, there is a single subtree that can possibly contain a value $l$
- The subtree $i$ such that $k_{i-1} < l < k_i$
- Continue in that subtree
Example multi-way search tree

Search for value 12

Unsuccessful search
Search for value 24

Insertion in a multi-way search tree
- Again, simple adaptation of BSTs
- But: we don't always need to create a new node
- We can insert in an existing one if there is space
- Start with a search for the value $l$ we want to insert
- If found, stop (no duplicates)
- If not found, insert at the leaf we reached
- If full, create an $i$-th child, such that $k_{i-1} < l < k_i$
Insert value 28

$m$ = 3
Value 28 inserted

Insert value 32

Value 32 inserted

Insert value 12

Value 12 inserted

Deletion from a multi-way search tree
Left as an exercise.
Complexity of operations
- We need to traverse the tree from the root to a leaf
- The time spent at each node is constant
- Eg. find $i$ such that $k_{i-1} < l < k_i$
- Assuming $m$ is fixed!
- So as usual all complexities are $O(h)$
Balanced multi-way search trees
- Similarly to BSTs we need to keep the tree balanced
- AVL where a kind of balanced BSTs
- We will study two kinds of balanced multi-way search trees:
- 2-3 trees
- 2-3-4 trees (also known as 2-4 trees)
2-3 trees
- A 2-3 tree is a 3-way search tree which has the following
- Size property
- Each node contains 1 or 2 values
- Internal nodes with $n$ values have exactly $n+1$ children
- Depth property
- All leaves have the same depth (lie on the same level)
Example of 2-3 tree

Height of 2-3 trees
- All nodes at all levels except the last one are internal
- And each internal node has at least 2 children
- So at level $i$ we have at least $2^i$ nodes
- Hence $n \ge 2^h$, in other words $h = O(\log n)$
- So we can search for an element in time $O(\log n)$
- Using the standard algorithm for $m$-way trees
Search for L

Insertion in 2-3-trees
- We can start by following the generic algorithm for $m$-way trees
- Search for the value $l$ we want to insert
- If found, stop (no duplicates)
- If not found, insert at the leaf we reached
Example: insert B

Example: insert B

Example: result

Insertion in 2-3-trees
But what if there is no space at the leaf (overflow)?
The standard algorithm will insert a child at the leaf
- But this violates the depth property!
- The new leaf is not at the same level
Different strategy
- split the overflowed node into two nodes
- pass the middle value to the parent (separator of the two nodes)
The middle value might overflow the parent
- Same procedure: split and send the middle value up
Example: insert M

Example: insert M

M overflows this node.
Example: insert M

Example: insert M

Example: insert M

Example: result

Example: insert Q

Example: insert Q

Example: result

Example: insert R

R is inserted in the node with Q where there is space.
Insertion in 2-3-trees
- The root might also overflow
- Same procedure
- Split it
- The middle value moves up, creating a new root
- This is the only operation that increases the tree's height
- It increases the depth of all nodes simultaneously
- 2-3-trees grow at the root, not at the leaves!
Example: insert S

S overflows this node
Example: insert S

Example: insert S

Example: insert S

Example: insert S

Example: result

Complexity of insertion
- We traverse the tree
- From the root to a leaf when searching
- From the leaf back to the root while splitting
- Each split takes constant time
- We do at most $h+1$ of them
- So in total $O(h) = O(\log n)$ steps
- Recall, the tree is balanced
2-4 trees
- A 2-4 tree (or 2-3-4 tree) is a 4-way search tree with 2 extra properties
- Size property
- Each node contains between 1 and 3 values
- Internal nodes with $n$ values have exactly $n+1$ children
- Depth property
- All leaves have the same depth (lie on the same level)
- Such trees are balanced
- $h = O(\log n)$
- Proof: exercise
Insertion in 2-4 trees
- Same as for 2-3-trees
- Search for the value
- Insert at a leaf
- In case of an overflow (5-node)
- Split it into a 3-node and a 2-node
- Move the separator value $k_3$ to the parent
Overflow at a 5-node

The separating value is sent to the parent node

Node replaced with a 3-node and a 2-node

Example: insert 4

Example: insert 6

Example: insert 12

Example: insert 15 - overflow

Creation of new root node


Example: insert 3

Example: insert 5 - overflow

5 is sent to the parent node


Example: insert 10

Example: insert 8


Inserted 11, 13 and 14.
Example: insert 17 - overflow

Split and send 15 to the parent node

The root overflows

Creation of new root


Final tree

- Same as for 2-3-trees
- At most $h$ splits
- Each split is constant time
- $O(\log n)$
- Because the tree is balanced
Fixing underflows
Two strategies for fixing an underlow at $\nu$
Is there an immediate sibling $w$ with a “spare” value? (2 or 3 values)
If so, we do a transfer operation
- Move a value of $w$ to its parent $u$
- Move a value of the parent $u$ to $\nu$
If not, we do a fusion operation
- Merge $\nu$ and $w$, creating a new node $\nu'$
- Move a value from the parent $u$ to $\nu'$
- This might underflow the parent, continue the same procedure there
Initial tree

Remove 4


After the transfer

Remove 12

Remove 12

Fusion of and

After the fusion

Remove 13

After the removal of 13

Remove 14 - underflow


Underflow at


Remove the root

Final tree

T. A. Standish. Data Structures, Algorithms and Software Principles in
C. Section 9.9
M. T. Goodrich, R. Tamassia and D. Mount. Data Structures and
Algorithms in C++. Section 10.4
R. Sedgewick. Αλγόριθμοι σε C. 3η Αμερικανική Έκδοση. Εκδόσεις
Κλειδάριθμος. Section 13.3