Multi-Way Search Trees

K08 Δομές Δεδομένων και Τεχνικές Προγραμματισμού

Κώστας Χατζηκοκολάκης


  • We keep the ordering idea of BSTs
    • Fast search, by excluding whole subtrees
  • And add more than two children for each node
    • Gives more flexibility in restructuring the tree
    • And news ways to keep it balanced

Multi-way search trees

  • $d$-node: a node with $d$ children

  • Each internal $d$-node stores $d-1$ ordered values $k_1 < \ldots < k_{d-1}$

    • No duplicate values in the whole tree
  • All values in a subtree lie in-between the corresponding node values

    • For all values $l$ in the $i$-th subtree: $k_{i-1} < l < k_i$
    • Convention: $k_0 = -\infty, k_d = +\infty$
  • $m$-way search tree: all nodes have at most $m$ children

    • A BST is a 2-way search tree

Example multi-way search tree


Searching in a multi-way search tree

  • Simple adaptation of the algorithm for BSTs
  • Start from the root, traverse towards the leaves
  • In each node, there is a single subtree that can possibly contain a value $l$
    • The subtree $i$ such that $k_{i-1} < l < k_i$
    • Continue in that subtree

Example multi-way search tree

Search for value 12

Unsuccessful search

Search for value 24

Insertion in a multi-way search tree

  • Again, simple adaptation of BSTs
    • But: we don't always need to create a new node
    • We can insert in an existing one if there is space
  • Start with a search for the value $l$ we want to insert
  • If found, stop (no duplicates)
  • If not found, insert at the leaf we reached
    • If full, create an $i$-th child, such that $k_{i-1} < l < k_i$

Insert value 28

$m$ = 3

Value 28 inserted

Insert value 32

Value 32 inserted

Insert value 12

Value 12 inserted

Deletion from a multi-way search tree

Left as an exercise.

Complexity of operations

  • We need to traverse the tree from the root to a leaf
  • The time spent at each node is constant
    • Eg. find $i$ such that $k_{i-1} < l < k_i$
    • Assuming $m$ is fixed!
  • So as usual all complexities are $O(h)$
    • $O(n)$ in the worst-case

Balanced multi-way search trees

  • Similarly to BSTs we need to keep the tree balanced
    • So that $h = O(\log n)$
  • AVL where a kind of balanced BSTs
  • We will study two kinds of balanced multi-way search trees:
    • 2-3 trees
    • 2-3-4 trees (also known as 2-4 trees)

2-3 trees

  • A 2-3 tree is a 3-way search tree which has the following properties
  • Size property
    • Each node contains 1 or 2 values
    • Internal nodes with $n$ values have exactly $n+1$ children
  • Depth property
    • All leaves have the same depth (lie on the same level)

Example of 2-3 tree

Height of 2-3 trees

  • All nodes at all levels except the last one are internal
    • And each internal node has at least 2 children
    • So at level $i$ we have at least $2^i$ nodes
  • Hence $n \ge 2^h$, in other words $h = O(\log n)$
  • So we can search for an element in time $O(\log n)$
    • Using the standard algorithm for $m$-way trees

Search for L

Insertion in 2-3-trees

  • We can start by following the generic algorithm for $m$-way trees
  • Search for the value $l$ we want to insert
  • If found, stop (no duplicates)
  • If not found, insert at the leaf we reached

Example: insert B

Example: insert B

Example: result

Insertion in 2-3-trees

  • But what if there is no space at the leaf (overflow)?

  • The standard algorithm will insert a child at the leaf

    • But this violates the depth property!
    • The new leaf is not at the same level
  • Different strategy

    • split the overflowed node into two nodes
    • pass the middle value to the parent (separator of the two nodes)
  • The middle value might overflow the parent

    • Same procedure: split and send the middle value up

Example: insert M

Example: insert M

M overflows this node.

Example: insert M

Example: insert M

Example: insert M

Example: result

Example: insert Q

Example: insert Q

Example: result

Example: insert R

R is inserted in the node with Q where there is space.

Insertion in 2-3-trees

  • The root might also overflow
  • Same procedure
    • Split it
    • The middle value moves up, creating a new root
  • This is the only operation that increases the tree's height
    • It increases the depth of all nodes simultaneously
    • 2-3-trees grow at the root, not at the leaves!

Example: insert S

S overflows this node

Example: insert S

Example: insert S

Example: insert S

Example: insert S

Example: result

Complexity of insertion

  • We traverse the tree
    • From the root to a leaf when searching
    • From the leaf back to the root while splitting
  • Each split takes constant time
    • We do at most $h+1$ of them
  • So in total $O(h) = O(\log n)$ steps
    • Recall, the tree is balanced

2-4 trees

  • A 2-4 tree (or 2-3-4 tree) is a 4-way search tree with 2 extra properties
  • Size property
    • Each node contains between 1 and 3 values
    • Internal nodes with $n$ values have exactly $n+1$ children
  • Depth property
    • All leaves have the same depth (lie on the same level)
  • Such trees are balanced
    • $h = O(\log n)$
    • Proof: exercise

Insertion in 2-4 trees

  • Same as for 2-3-trees
    • Search for the value
    • Insert at a leaf
  • In case of an overflow (5-node)
    • Split it into a 3-node and a 2-node
    • Move the separator value $k_3$ to the parent

Overflow at a 5-node

The separating value is sent to the parent node

Node replaced with a 3-node and a 2-node

Example: insert 4

Example: insert 6

Example: insert 12

Example: insert 15 - overflow

Creation of new root node


Example: insert 3

Example: insert 5 - overflow

5 is sent to the parent node


Example: insert 10

Example: insert 8


Inserted 11, 13 and 14.

Example: insert 17 - overflow

Split and send 15 to the parent node

The root overflows

Creation of new root


Final tree


  • Same as for 2-3-trees
    • At most $h$ splits
    • Each split is constant time
  • $O(\log n)$
    • Because the tree is balanced

Removal in 2-4 trees

  • To remove a value $k_i$ from an internal node

    • Replace with its predecessor (or its successor)
    • Right-most value in the $i$-th subtree
    • Similar to the BST case of nodes with two children
  • To remove a value from a leaf

    • We simply remove it
    • But it might viotalate the size property (underflow)

Fixing underflows

Two strategies for fixing an underlow at $\nu$

  • Is there an immediate sibling $w$ with a “spare” value? (2 or 3 values)

  • If so, we do a transfer operation

    • Move a value of $w$ to its parent $u$
    • Move a value of the parent $u$ to $\nu$
  • If not, we do a fusion operation

    • Merge $\nu$ and $w$, creating a new node $\nu'$
    • Move a value from the parent $u$ to $\nu'$
    • This might underflow the parent, continue the same procedure there

Initial tree

Remove 4


After the transfer

Remove 12

Remove 12

Fusion of and

After the fusion

Remove 13

After the removal of 13

Remove 14 - underflow


Underflow at


Remove the root

Final tree


  • T. A. Standish. Data Structures, Algorithms and Software Principles in C. Section 9.9

  • M. T. Goodrich, R. Tamassia and D. Mount. Data Structures and Algorithms in C++. Section 10.4

  • R. Sedgewick. Αλγόριθμοι σε C. 3η Αμερικανική Έκδοση. Εκδόσεις Κλειδάριθμος. Section 13.3