Code style, Tests, Debugging

K08 Δομές Δεδομένων και Τεχνικές Προγραμματισμού

Κώστας Χατζηκοκολάκης

Code style

  • In most programming languages whitespace is ignored

    • Leaves many options for styling
  • The exact style is not important, no need to be “dogmatic” about it

  • But it is very important to be consistent

    • Good style makes the code readable

Naming conventions

  • Similarly, how we name things is important
    • variables
    • modules
    • functions
    • types
    • etc.
  • Consistent naming greatly improves code quality

In this class

  • The following slides present some style & naming choices
  • The code used in the lectures follow this style
  • You are not required to follow it
  • But you are required to consistently follow a specific style


// C++ style
// στα Ελληνικά

void foo() {
    int a = 1;      // μικρά comments στην ίδια γραμμή
  • Makes it easy to toggle comments (Ctrl-/ in VS Code)
  • Don't over-use comments
    • they should not explain what the code does
    • but how/why
  • Don't leave old garbage code in comments (Git keeps the history!)


// Στην ίδια γραμμή με την εντολή που τα ανοίγει

void foo() {
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ...; i++) {

    // Για μικρές εντολές το παρακάτω είναι ok (χωρίς κατάχρηση)
    if (condition)


  • One tab for each level

    • allows each developer to configure the tab size differently
  • Alternative option: 4 spaces

    • appears the same in all editors
  • Don't mix the two

Pointer types

// Το * κολλητά με τον τύπο (όχι με το όνομα)

int* foo(char* param) {
    int* pointer = &var;

Conceptually, int* is a type.

Variable declarations

// Μία δήλωση ανά γραμμή, επαναλαμβάνουμε τον τύπο
// Επίσης, δηλώνουμε μεταβλητές στο σημείο και το scope που χρειάζονται!

void foo() {
    int var1 = 1;
    int var2 = 3;


    int var3 = 3;                   // δε χρειάζεται πιο πάνω

    if (condition) {
        int var4 = 4;               // var4 ορατό μόνο μέσα στο if

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < N; i++) {   // i ορατό μόνο μέσα στο for
        int var5 = 5;


  • Functions, variables, parameters: lowercase_with_underscores
  • Types: CamelCase
  • Constants: UPPERCASE
  • Choose readable names (not a, b, c, …)
  • In modules: prefix with name of module (or abbreviation)
    • avoids conflicts


// ADTList.h

// Οι σταθερές αυτές συμβολίζουν εικονικούς κόμβους στην αρχή/τέλος.
#define LIST_BOF (ListNode)0
#define LIST_EOF (ListNode)0

// Λίστες και κόμβοι αναπαριστώνται από τους τύπους List και ListNode, αντίστοιχα.
typedef struct list* List;
typedef struct list_node* ListNode;

// Δημιουργεί και επιστρέφει μια νέα λίστα.

List list_create(DestroyFunc destroy_value);

// Προσθέτει έναν νέο κόμβο __μετά__ τον node με περιεχόμενο value.

void list_insert_next(List list, ListNode node, Pointer value);

// Αφαιρεί τον __επόμενο__ κόμβο από τον node.

void list_remove_next(List list, ListNode node);

How to test our code

  • For simple code, we typically test it in main
    • often with input from the user
  • This does not work for larger programs
    • Time consuming
    • Easy to miss edge cases
    • No automation
    • We tend to assume that fixes remain forever

Unit Tests

  • A test is a piece of code that tests some other code
    • e.g. tests a module
  • It calls some functions of the module, then checks the result
  • Each test should be independent
  • It should test some basic functionality
    • especially edge cases

Unit Tests


  • Re-run on every change
  • Detect regressions
  • Test different implementations of the same module
  • Run in automated scripts (e.g. on git push)
  • Write specifications even before writing the actual code
    • test-driven development

A simple test for stats.h

#include "acutest.h"			// Απλή βιβλιοθήκη για unit testing

#include "stats.h"

void test_find_min(void) {
	int array[] = { 3, 1, -1, 50 };

	TEST_ASSERT(stats_find_min(array, 4) == -1);
	TEST_ASSERT(stats_find_min(array, 3) == -1);
	TEST_ASSERT(stats_find_min(array, 2) == 1);
	TEST_ASSERT(stats_find_min(array, 1) == 3);
	TEST_ASSERT(stats_find_min(array, 0) == INT_MAX);

A simple test for stats.h

void test_find_max(void) {
	int array[] = { 3, 1, -1, 50 };

	TEST_ASSERT(stats_find_max(array, 4) == 50);
	TEST_ASSERT(stats_find_max(array, 3) == 3);
	TEST_ASSERT(stats_find_max(array, 2) == 3);
	TEST_ASSERT(stats_find_max(array, 1) == 3);
	TEST_ASSERT(stats_find_max(array, 0) == INT_MIN);

// Λίστα με όλα τα tests προς εκτέλεση
	{ "find_min", test_find_min },
	{ "find_max", test_find_max },
	{ NULL, NULL } // τερματίζουμε τη λίστα με NULL

Test coverage

  • How to know if the tests cover all functionalities of the code?
  • Simple solution: check which lines are executed
  • lcov: a test coverage tool for C
  • Try the following in sample-project
cd tests
make coverage
firefox coverage/index.html


  • Tool to check memory access
  • Finds memory leaks
  • Also detects access of deallocated memory
  • Simple use:
valgrind ./program


  • Fixing bugs is an art that needs experience
  • Often more difficult than writing the code
  • But following some concrete steps can help


Step 1: reproduce the problem

  • In the simplest possible way
    • Simplest code, smallest input, number of steps, etc
  • Ideally: with a simple automated test
  • Sometimes this is the hardest part!
    • Keep in mind when reporting bugs to others


Step 2: isolate the bug

  • Which parts of the code are affected by the bug?
  • Use the debugger (sometimes)
    • Pause at segmentation faults
    • Set breakpoints and conditional breakpoints
  • Add useful logs (printf) and asserts
  • Comment out parts of the code to see if behaviour changes


Step 3: find the root cause

  • Often the code that breaks is not the real root
  • Follow the code flow backwards
    • Examine the debugger's call stack
    • Add logs
  • Compare the flow in buggy and non-buggy executions


Step 4: understand and fix the bug

  • Don't do random changes
  • A fix that you don't understand is usually not a correct fix!
  • Add documentation
    • Usually code that fixes a tricky bug needs explanation


Step 5: test the fix

  • Add tests if you don't have them already
  • Important so that the bug does not reappear in the future
  • Ideally the new tests should only pass when the fix is applied